Wellness & the Lymphatic System


Your lymphatic system is a central part of your immune system.

Your lymphatic system is a central part of your immune system.

Your body relies on your lymphatic system to remove waste, like bacteria, viruses, toxins and abnormal cells, and every step (or 10,000) you take helps it do its job more efficiently.  That’s because the lymphatic system does not have an organ like the heart to pump fluid around your body. Lymph fluid relies on movement and the contraction of your muscles to make it flow. The lymphatic system is stimulated by moving your muscles and getting your heart rate up, all these things stimulate the lymphatic flow.

The lymphatic system is made up of tiny tubes called lymphatic vessels, which collect lymph fluid. These vessels route the fluid through the lymph nodes, which house immune cells that kill off abnormal cells and other harmful substances.

The lymph fluid then drains back into the blood stream, which flows through the kidneys where waste is removed and passed out in your urine.

Aside from daily exercise here are some ways to boost your lymphatic system and tiny habits that make big differences in your daily wellness.


Body exfoliation has long been part of the Ayurvedic deep-cleansing philosophy. Like dry brushing, exfoliating can Impact you on both a physical and mental level. Weekly light exfoliation can stimulate the skin AND eliminate toxins and dead skin cells more efficiently. Plus, the rhythmic nature of a weekly scrubbing ritual can be deeply calming, relaxing and meditative leading to improved mood, clarity and focus.

The action of body scrubbing can stimulate the lymphatic drainage system beneath multiple layers of skin, which in turn helps the body rid itself of a buildup of internal toxins. Igniting the lymphatic system in this way helps maintain a strong immune system and in ayurvedic traditions, scrubbing in the direction of the heart also helps to unblock the lymph ducts located all over the body, but particularly the ones around the heart. Exfoliation can  aid in the reduction of cellulite and helps to cleanse the body internally as well as literally polishing the skin's exterior.

Dry Brushing

Dry skin brushing benefits may include stimulating the lymphatic system, exfoliating the skin, removing toxins, increasing circulation and energy, and reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Dry brushing is exactly what it sounds like: an exfoliation method that involves using a body brush to gently massage your skin, which helps with radiance, removing dead skin, and increasing the effectiveness of your moisturizer. You'll want to find a body brush with firm, natural bristles and gently massage your body in upward, circular motions.

How to: 1. The  best time for dry brushing is before taking a shower, as you'll be sloughing off dead skin cells that you'll want to rinse away afterwards.

2. Make sure your skin (and brush) are completely dry.

3. Apply medium pressure—you want your strokes to be firm enough to effectively help with exfoliation, circulation, and drainage, but not abrasive to your skin.

4. Start at your ankle and moving in long, circular motions. A delicate, rhythmic touch is key to getting the most of the benefits. Switch to shorter, quicker movements around your joints.

5. Move in the direction towards your heart, working your way through each area of the body. Take your time with this—dry brushing is supposed to be a relaxing, rejuvenating part of your body care routine.

6.Proceed with your normal shower routine, making sure to take advantage of applying hydrating products, we recommend applying our Dry Brushing Repair Oil to the thighs and underarms.


Cupping is performed on the body by placing various cups on areas of the body, creating localized suction on the skin and tissues below, like muscle and fascia. It encourages blood flow to the area, helping to move stagnant energy, relieve pain and inflammation, promote relaxation, and melt away tension.

Improved blood flow to tight, tense areas of the body can help our natural detoxification processes as well. Fresh blood carries oxygen and nutrients to areas that have not been receiving great circulation and also because the deep-tissue-massage-like pressure of the suction from the cups can help release lactic acid.

De-bloating Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Lymphatic Drainage massage (Body Sculpting) is performed utilizing different types of equipment and hand techniques, it works effectively on the root cause of the main inflammations in the body.

The treatment is done by finding areas of congestion in the body and optimally guiding the lymph flow by releasing toxins. By utilizing manual (hand) lymphatic massage, wood therapy, ultrasound, and radio-frequency the lymphatic system is kickstarted resulting in removal of toxins, minimizing water retention, boosting the immune system and cleansing the internal body – resulting in a noticeably more sculpted physique.